Check out our activities

Osteria i wino smak Restaurant
The Osteria Wino & Smak Restaurant offers its guests exquisite cuisine combined with an intimate atmosphere.
Both the interior design and the atmosphere we have created allow you to fully relax after a day’s work, and the opportunity to meet world-famous classical musicians makes this venue even more attractive.
Flavours studio
It is a place where the joint effort of Chefs and the Forest Treasures team gives birth to unique recipes and unique flavours.
Our Studio gives us the opportunity to get to know the needs of Restaurateurs and the whole HoReCa industry through numerous surveys and research.
Our top quality products

PHZ KASOL J.A. Kazberuk
ul. Baranowicka 119
15-501 Białystok
0048 85 740 80 80
fax 0048 85 740 80 88